If you've just bought a ceramic pan and you're looking for ways to season it so that your food doesn't stick, look no further!

In this blog post, we will teach you how to season your ceramic pan in just a few simple steps. Seasoning your ceramic frying pan is important if you want to get the best cooking results.

Not only does seasoning help keep food from sticking, but it also helps protect the ceramic surface of your pan from scratches and other damages.

Why Season a Ceramic Pan?

There are a few reasons why seasoning your pan is a good idea. First of all, seasoning helps keep food from sticking to the surface of your pan. This makes cooking and cleaning up much easier and less messy, especially with foods like eggs that tend to stick.

Second of all, seasoning protects the surface of your ceramic pan from scratches and other damages. This can help extend the lifespan of your pan.

I'm seen plenty of ceramic pans with scratches and other damages due to improper seasoning techniques or lack thereof. Don't let that happen to yours!
scratched ceramic pans
Lastly, since seasoning creates a non-stick coating on your pan, you won't have to use as much oil or butter when cooking because there's already a layer of seasoning on the surface. This makes for healthier meals.

Now that you know why seasoning your ceramic coated cookware is important, let's move on to how it's done!

How to Season a Ceramic Frying Pan: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Wash Your Ceramic Pan

The first thing you need to do when seasoning a ceramic pan is wash it with soap and water. This will help remove any food remnants or burnt oil that may be stuck on the surface of your pan.

You can use a soft sponge to scrub off any stubborn dirt or food residue. Be sure to rinse your pan well afterwards.

Step 2: Dry Your Ceramic Pan

After you've washed and scrubbed your ceramic pan, the next step is to dry it off completely. Make sure there is no water left on the surface of the pan before moving on to the next step.

You can use a towel or a paper towel to do this. Once your pan is completely dry, move on to the next step.

Step 3: Apply Oil to the Ceramic Pan Surface

The next step is to apply oil to the surface of your frying pan.

Any type of oil will work, but we recommend using an oil with a high smoking point, such as avocado oil, vegetable oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil, or sunflower oil.

Avoid oils that have a low smoking point, such as olive oil or butter. Don't use spray oil, either. You want to use a liquid oil that can be spread across the surface of your pan easily.
ceramic frying pan sticking
To apply the oil, you can use a paper towel or soft cloth to spread it around in an even layer over all sides of your ceramic cookware surfaces (including both inside and outside).

Once your pan is coated in oil, move on to the next step.

Step 4: Heat up the Ceramic Pan

Now it's time to slowly heat the oil. There are two methods you can use for this: the stovetop, or the oven.

If you're using the stovetop, turn your burner to medium heat. Your goal is to heat the ceramic pan slowly and evenly, so don't use high heat or else it will burn your seasoning!

Wait until it begins to smoke slightly (but not too much!) before turning it off.

If you're using the oven, preheat it to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Once your ceramic pan is coated in oil, place it in the middle rack of your oven and bake it for 20 minutes.

After the time is up, turn off your oven and let your pan cool down.

Both of these methods will heat the oil slowly and allow it to penetrate the surface of your ceramic frying pan. Make sure your pan is oven-safe if you're seasoning it in the oven!

Step 5: Let Your Pan Cool Down

Once you notice the pan starting to smoke, it's time to turn off the heat and let it cool down.

Here's an important tip: Do not pour cold water into your ceramic pan or put it in the fridge to cool it down faster. This will damage the cooking surface!

Also, it's best to let the whole seasoning and cooling process take place in a well-ventilated area because there will be smoke emitted from the oil.

Once you've done that, move on to step five.

best oil for ceramic pans

Step 6: Wipe the Pan Clean

After the pan has cooled down, you can use a paper towel or soft cloth to wipe off any excess oil.

Your pan may feel greasier than it did when you started, but this is normal. The seasoning will continue to build with each use. Don't try and remove the greasy surface beyond just the excess oil; this slick surface is what gives the pan its non-stick coating!

Now that your ceramic pan is seasoned, you're ready to cook! Be sure to use low or medium heat so the seasoning doesn't get damaged. Enjoy your perfectly cooked food with less sticking and no extra oils or fats!

How Often Should You Season Ceramic Cookware?

How often you need to reseason your ceramic pan depends on how often you use it and how well you care for it.

Generally, seasoning your ceramic pan every six months should be sufficient. However, if you notice food sticking to the surface or if the pan doesn’t have a smooth finish anymore, then it’s time for seasoning.

If you’re using your ceramic pan every day and taking care of it well, then seasoning it once a year is probably enough. But remember, seasoning is an easy way to improve your cooking results, so it’s always worth doing even if you don’t think your pan needs it.

There’s no harm in seasoning your ceramic pan too often, so you can do it as much as you like.

Ceramic Pan Care Tips

As well as seasoning your ceramic pan regularly, you should also look after it properly to keep it in the best condition and make sure it's safe to use. Here are some tips on how to care for and maintain your ceramic non-stick pans:

Don’t cook over high heat

Cooking on high heat can damage the non-stick coating of your pan. Try cooking at a low to medium heat only.
do you use oil in a ceramic pan

Don’t use harsh chemicals

Avoid using abrasive cleaners on your ceramic pan, as these can all damage the non-stick seasoning.

Wash by hand only

It’s best to wash your ceramic pan by hand, as the abrasive cleaners in dishwashers can scratch the surface. This is true even if the pan is marketed as 'dishwasher-safe'.

Use plastic utensils

Even though ceramic is scratch-resistant, don’t use metal utensils on it or cook over high heat, as this can damage the surface.

It’s safer and better for your pan if you use wooden or plastic utensils instead of metal ones.

Wash after cooking

Wash your pan immediately after using it so food doesn’t get a chance to stick or burn on.

Store carefully

If you’re stacking your ceramic pans, store them in a cupboard with a silicone mat between each pan so they don’t scratch each other.

Don’t use aerosol cooking spray

This can damage your ceramic pan, so avoid using it and instead apply seasoning oil or butter to the pan before cooking. One of the pros of ceramic cookware is that it tends to be naturally nonstick, so this paired with a seasoning means you shouldn't need much oil, if any.

Don’t use an abrasive sponge

Ceramic is scratch-resistant, but it can still be scratched if you use a rough scouring pad on it. Instead, wash your pans with soap and hot water using a soft cloth or dish brush for cleaning.

Conclusion: How to Season Ceramic Cookware

Seasoning a ceramic pan is an important part of maintaining it and keeping it in good condition.

If you want to get the best results from cooking on your ceramic coated cookware, seasoning them regularly will help with that. Seasoning can also make your ceramic pans last longer, so you won’t need to replace them as often.

When you season a ceramic frying pan, use an oil with a high smoke point like peanut oil or vegetable oil, and avoid those with a low smoke point like olive oil.

The best way to care for your ceramic pans is by washing them by hand with a soft cloth or dish brush, using plastic utensils, and avoiding harsh chemicals and aerosol cooking sprays.

If your ceramic pan starts sticking after a while, it's probably time to reseason it. Seasoning can help restore the nonstick properties of your pan.

If you follow these tips, your ceramic pan will last longer and give you great cooking results every time!

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